Video Conferencing over LAN

If you are looking to setup a video conference solution for your LAN I suggest looking at Red5 media server. I use Red5 on Linux Ubuntu 8.04 and for the front end I use VideoWhisper.

Things that you will need....
1. Linux Server
2. Red5
3. VideoWhisper
4. Webcams

1. Setup a Linux server using a LAMP configuration.

2. I use the Ubuntu Desktop GUI to avoid too much command line. So from the command line run this command:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

This will install a desktop GUI to make navigation easier.

3. Open up the terminal and get started with installing Red5. Follow the instructions on this link:

4. Now install Video Whisperer:

Now hook up your webcams and start your conference.

Hope this solution helps. You can use other free software to intergrate with Red5 server as well.


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