How Computer Literate Should You Be?

In this day and age there is a new survival skill that you need and that is to be computer literate. Knowing how to use a computer can range from just knowing how to switch it on to software development for enterprise packages. So the question is 'as an average person how much should I know?' Well let's take a look at basic skills first.

The number one software vendor out there is Microsoft, so Microsoft should be your base of computer knowledge. There is no need to know how a computer works at this stage, you just need to know that a computer has replaced the pen and paper in a standard office environment and that it is also a means of communication. Also the encyclopaedia has been replaced by the internet and Google!

The basic software that you should know about is Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office and an internet browser such as Internet Explorer. The are many crash courses out there to teach you about the basics of these pieces of software. You just have to Google it and a million free tutorials will come up. But then again you would need to know how to Google.

Google is a search engine that scours the internet for information that you search for via it's website i.e. this website is accessible via an internet browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and of course Google Chrome. All you have to do is type in what you want to know and presto! you get the answer the you are looking for in under 0.75 milliseconds!

Just by knowing how to "Google" you will be able to master whatever task that you are endeavouring on. I recently became a capable baker just by following instructions from various baking websites. So you can in turn learn how to use a computer by just Googling what you need to know. I'm sure you've come across the term "just Google it". Information from the internet is so rapidly expanding and changing that just knowing the basics about a computer will only take you a  short way. There is always something new that is coming out in the computer world that keeping up to date with it also means keeping your job!

Getting to know the basics is fairly easy. Microsoft Windows is an Operating System, that allows the computer to host various programs, such as Microsoft Word and Excel, which you can then access. There is also e-mail. Email is a form of communication that allows you to send messages to another person, you can even send them attachments, such as documents or pictures. These emails are delivered electronically to the recipient, who can instantly access the message and respond to you immediately.

So in a nutshell get to know what Windows is and your Microsoft Office tools i.e. Word, Excel, and Outlook(email). But most importantly get to know the internet.

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