Mars Rover Curiosity

Apart  from history being made in the 2012 London Olympic Games, it is also being mad in outer-space. On the 6th of August 2012 (EDT) the latest Mars Rover, Curiosity, lands on Mars. It's been almost a decade since the last Mars Rover, Oppertunity, landed on Mars, so you can imagine all the new technology and upgrades that Curiosity has taken with it.

The most amazing thing so far that we've seen from Curiosity is that just within a few hours of landing, it has sent us images from the surface of Mars. Bear in mind this vehicle travelled 36 weeks to reach it's destination and those images are in fact coming from the other side of the Sun.

I always depicted a Mars Rover as being a little radio controlled sized vehicle, I was obviously wrong, Curiosity is acutally just a little bigger that a mid-sized car!

It has begun it's two year investigation on Mars and will do this with the aid of 10 science instruments and even a laser, all powered by nuclear energy. Overall cost of the mission came in at just over $3 billion. Let's hope all goes well.

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