Tar Driveway Repairs - Tarfix

Ok I have a really bad driveway at my house and no money to resurface it. There are potholes everywhere and every time it rains the potholes get worse. I got a ridiculous quote to resurface the whole thing, that's when I decided to explore alternatives, concrete does not work on a tarred driveway, it gives up after a couple of weeks, and the worst part of it is it makes the driveway terrible.

Potholes on a tarred driveway, especially if it is on an incline.

Tarfix. Looks like tar but can be applied cold. Sells for about R80 at major hardware stores.

Fill hole to 2cm below driveway level (after compacting). I used a trowel and a 4 pound hammer to compact. Also try and use moist sand and stone, it seems to get more compact if it is moist (not wet). I also mixed a bit of concrete powder with the sand to help it stick.

Then pour the Tarfix into the hole to just above the driveway level. Then compact. I used the trowel again, but remember to keep wetting the trowel so that the Tarfix does not stick to the trowel. After compacting the Tarfix use a flat spade to smooth the surface a bit. Wet the spade and slap it onto the Tarfix surface and then drag it down, repeat this until the surface has been smoothed out. Remember to keep wetting the spade with water as well.

Once compacted and smoothed over the surface is ready to drive over. Tarfix doesn't solidify immediately but doesn't stick to rubber, so it is safe to drive over, in fact driving over it immediately helps to compact it further.

Tarfix has saved me a lot of money and I recommend it for anybody who is thinking of wasting money by getting a professional to repair their driveway.


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